The British Colonist
News Clipping One
The Indians believe whether with reason or not, that they have been wronged;
Set apart certain lands for the use of aboriginales, called Indian Reservations; these pieces of land have generally been under cultivation by the Indians before the influx of white settlers, or at least where native villages had been planted long ago, thus they were generally cleared and very frequently comprised the best piece in the vacinity
Many of these poor fellows looked with longing eyes at the rich spots of ground included in the Indian reservations;
smarting under the infliction of some glaring oppression, their views of white justice became clouded, and they look upon the settlers, as a whole, as invaders
If the red man is to disappear before the advance of the Caucasian race, let this take place in the natural course.
There are only two ways of governing uncivilized people: firstly the strong hand, looking to immediate annihilation, setting all the laws of humanity at naught; and second, by treating their removal as an ordination of providence, acting meanwhile, as because people who pretend to civilization and Christianity- and making their gradual disappearance as imperceptible as possible by the active exercise of those Christian doctrines