The British Colonist
News Clipping Eight
Mr. Yates moved that the ground occupied by the Indian reserve be laid out in town lots, sold to the highest bidder, the Indians removed, and the proceeds appropriated for harbor improvements.
The reserve would rent yearly for 40,000 dollars. If they were taught that a small piece of land was worth that sum, they would inform every tribe on the ISland, and the government would find it impossible to get their lands on peaceable terms.
Mr. Chairman- They are a perfect nuisance, and the only course is to remove them.
To force them away would be a breach of faith, -and would be unjust ; and even allowing the colonial funds would be largely increased by the sale of the reserve, it would be setting a precedent of broken faith that would be productive of serious consequences.
when the town was first settled, these Indians were living at a distance of five miles away, where they had always resided.